Unstick Tricks
One of our listeners shares their advice for navigating our sticky situation of the week.
What do you do when...
-You’re feeling lazy and don’t want to do anything your grownups ask you to do?
-You have to work with a bossy team member?
-You’re feeling intimidated, or very small in a big, scary situation?
-It feels like everyone’s telling you what to do?
-You really, really don’t want to share something?
Grownups, help your child check out the latest Unstick Trick prompts here (feel free to answer more than one):
3. After your child thinks about the prompt(s), have them
write or tell you something they would do to feel better.
4. When they're done…fantasterrific! Give yourself a high
five! (Also, use the form below to send it our way.)
That’s it! We’ll read through each submission and get in touch if we decide to include your Unstick Trick in an episode of Storypillar. Oh, and one more thing…
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!